Day to Night artwork transitions while vertically scrolling.
Annual Reports & Financials
Careers Section
Robust History Timeline
Interactive Benefits Tools
Animated Accomplishments w/ Illustrations + Data

Project: Associated Electric Cooperative (AECI) - Website Redesign

Member Cooperative: Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. (

Project Goal: Collaborate with a design agency to fully recreate the experience, developing a brand-new, custom SHiNE CMS template to accurately represent the provided design files.

Platform: SHiNE CMS - Design & Build

Project Scope:

  • Create a custom theme for SHiNE CMS that represents the provided Adobe XD designs with absolute accuracy. 
  • Incorporate a custom branding and style guide for all website elements and components.
  • Develop a feature for the homepage that will seamlessly create a day to night transition as the site visitor scrolls down the page.
  • Add new components for animated pop-up infographics that also create animations as the user scrolls to enhance enagement.
  • Design new slider elements for the Generation Fleet & Resource Mix page.
  • Incorporate a robust document media library to house and maintain metadata for the compliance documents dashboard.
  • Add stand-out design elements for the Careers benefits section.
  • Member interactive map with contact information displayed in pop-ups.
  • The AECI team leveraged the SHiNE CMS - Design & Build offering, which includes a fully custom theme and design.
  • Our team was responsible for building the entirety of the site design and development of functionality and pages.
  • The AECI team, led by Mark Viguet, Schuyler Easterling, and Robin Harrison, provided routine QA and testing to our team and additional requests or changes.
  • Schuyler became very familiar with the CMS and was able to make edits on his own prior to launch, and was a HUGE hand in making sure the project was a success!

Key Features/Benefits:

  • Modern and user-friendly design.
  • Improved navigation for enhanced information access.
  • Enhanced member experience.
  • Custom components unique to the AECI website.
  • Entirely bespoke design and AECI-developed theme.
  • Efficient project completion.

Launch Date: March 4th, 2025.

Status: Live at  (